IO Cloud

The purpose of the IO Cloud is to deploy and manage on-demand decentralized GPU Clusters.
The desired outcome is to provide users with flexible and scalable access to GPU resources without expensive hardware investments and infrastructure management. The platform aims to leverage distributed resources from a decentralized network of nodes [ IO workers ]; the platform was built to give the ML Engineers/Developers the same experience as any cloud provider even though the nodes are decentralized.

IO Cloud is where you will run your AI/ML apps. It seamlessly integrates with IO-SDK, offering a comprehensive solution for scaling AI and Python applications. Designed for high performance and ease of use, IO Cloud delivers limitless computing power while simplifying the deployment and management of GPU/CPU resources.

The essential building blocks of IO Cloud are the Clusters. Clusters are fully meshed self-healing GPUs.
A distributed, decentralized network of GPUs/CPUs capable of executing Python-based ML code. This easily scalable system adapts to accommodate fluctuating demands.

Key Features:

  1. Aiming to become the world's largest and most cost-effective GPU cloud on-demand with unlimited scalability for AI/ML Training/Inference.
  2. Smooth Integration with IO SDK: Effortlessly connect IO Network's GPU resources with IO SDK's distributed computing capabilities to create a unified, high-performance environment for your AI projects.
  3. Offering unparalleled affordability, up to -90% cheaper per TFLOP.
  4. Globally distributed GPU resources, functioning as the CDN of ML serving and inference, bringing GPUs closer to end-users.
  5. Natively powered by and battle-tested on the RAY distributed computing python framework used by OpenAI to train GPT3 and GP4 across 300K servers. Offering unprecedented easy framework to scale Python applications at any scale.
  6. Future access to IO Models Store and advanced inference features like server-less inferences, cloud gaming, and pixel streaming.

App Walkthrough

Home Page :

The Home Page is the central hub for users to access various features such as Deploying a Cluster, Browsing the GPU Marketplace, Quick monitoring actions, and getting started.

Clusters Home Page :

The Clusters Page allows users to manage their clusters by providing a list of all their clusters containing details such as name, accelerator (GPU), status and Progress. Users can perform actions on their clusters like renaming, extending, and Terminating. As well as having quick access to necessary links such as Visual Studio, Jupyter Notebook and Ray Dash for management.

Users can click on a cluster and access the following page(Cluster Details)

Cluster Details page:

This page allows users to monitor their clusters further and track Data such as cluster age, invoices (on SOLSCAN), and Workers involved in their clusters. They can also perform quick actions and access necessary links.

Cluster Create Page:

The Create New Cluster feature facilitates the creation of new compute clusters by naming the cluster, selecting a location, choosing the type (GPU or CPU) and quantity, choosing Security Compliance and Connectivity Tier, selecting a base image, setting up the durations and paying with SOLANA Pay.

Kubernetes Cluster Create Page:

This page is very similar to creating a cluster page except that some choices are preselected, and users can deploy Kuberay as an Operator.

IO Cloud Development Principles

The IO Cloud is designed with the modern user, emphasizing real-time interactions, robust security, complete user control, and ease of use. We understand the importance of a seamless user experience, and our portal reflects our commitment to delivering just that.

I. Ease of Use

UI/UX is improvement, and we are continuing to take user feedback to improve IO Cloud. We place a premium on user experience. Our sleek, intuitive dashboards are crafted to offer users the information they need instantly. Setting up is straightforward, allowing users to get going in mere seconds. With the integration of ReactJS and Tailwind, we ensure the user experience is smooth and lightweight.

II. Real-time

Time is money. In the fast-paced digital age, real-time feedback is paramount. Our portal delivers real-time interactions and updates, all driven by a specialized Python API layer designed expressly for the Customer Portal.

III. Customizability

Your task. We recognize the diverse needs of our users. Our portal boasts a wide array of customization options, ensuring users can tailor their environment precisely to their preferences. This means less time spent on setup and more time on actual tasks. Whether it's Ray, Ludwig, Hugging Face, or any other stack, we've covered you with just a few clicks.

IV. Security

Fortified. Security isn't just a feature; it's a commitment. Our portal is shielded with multiple layers of protection, safeguarding user data and operations. A robust firewall, stringent access control, and modular design work to minimize potential risks, isolating different functionalities for added security.

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