Installing on Windows

A step by step process for setting up the environment for on Windows-based machines.

Please refer to Docker Installation on Windows for instructions on installing docker on Windows-based machines.

Quick guidde


If you have not yet created an account, Creating an account on is currently available only through Google or Twitter. Simply click on the "Sign Up" button and select either Google or Twitter to proceed with account creation.

1. From Dropdown Navigate to worker

From Dropdown Navigate to worker

2. Connect New Worker

Connect New Worker

3. Select Operating System β€œOS”

Choose the Operating System β€œOS” of your device

Select Operating System β€œOS”

4. Select Supplier

Choose the supplier you wish your hardware to be grouped on

Select Supplier

5. Name your device

Add a unique name for your device, The ideal format would be similar to the following: My-Test-Device

Name your device

6. Device Type

If you choose GPU Worker and your device doesn't have a GPU, the setup will fail

Device Type

7. copy the link and follow the steps

Follow the steps on our documentation for Docker, Cuda and Nvidia drivers installtion

copy the link and follow the steps

8. Copy the command into Docker and run it

Run this command in terminal and make sure docker desktop is running on the background

Copy the command
into Docker and run it

9. Wait for Connection

Keep hitting refresh while you wait for your new device to connect.

Wait for Connection


Having issues? Contact Us or refer to our Discord for further assistance. We are here to help!


Be aware that you will be installing a 20GB size container. This contains all the packages needed to serve AI/ML apps. Everything happens inside the container, nothing within the container can access your filesystem.